Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I haven't been getting in the exercise that I planned but I noticed that I have been getting out and moving a lot more since I have wanted to. so on Saturday we went and walked around the mall here that is a mile around. We have been taking the kids to the park and chasing them around and getting a lot more exercise in... so I feel like I am getting the exercise that I missed in the morning.

I still notice that I don't eat very much...I am catching myself thinking 'Oh I should breakfast" and notice that it is 3pm..that is bad. I am worse with my body when I am not on my period...then I just eat a lot and then all the wrong things.

Breaking all these bad habits are going to be hard but I am glad that I am getting more exercise. I also bought slim fast drinks and bars so that I can grab something quick and know that I have at least got some calories and protein in....so my body isn't thinking that I am starving it!

Posting here and writing it all down it is a real reality moment! I am now more conscience of what I am doing to me. I know we all feel like we are stumbling and down. But I think reality is if we try and eat healthy and pay attention portions and get exercise we are doing better that we realize! I don't think a splurge here or there should make us feel bad. I think that if we are trying and paying attention to eating and being healthy we will make choices and not feel so guilty. I think splurging should be OK every once in a while...because life is to short not to enjoy it...but I do feel that moderation is key. If I eat a lot more calories I should do a bit more exorcise because really they do cancel each other out!!! I don't think I could live my life feeling like I was missing something...May be this is pointless rambling....but I think that my goal is to eat with moderation in mind even if I want to have a treat. keep up the exercise and try to get a little more worked in...and try and make this an enjoyable thing! ( I hope that is not to much to ask!)

1 comment:

my--four--sons said...

I think you are so right. I think all of us are too hard on ourselves. I am the worst. Whenever I give in to the food I feel like I have to start all over the next day. When I could just hop on the treadmill for a little longer. This is something that I think I need to work on. I think you are doing awesome deb. It takes baby steps to change a lifestyle. Keep it up!