Thursday, July 10, 2008

My train has stalled

I'm off the wagon again. I feel like I should be going to AA, or OA. I'm good for two days and then the heck with it. Right now I don't want to diet. I don't want to exercise. I just want to lose weight. Does that sound crazy or what? I've got to get and STAY motivated! Is there a magic pill I can take that will help me get my head straight?


my--four--sons said...

Sorry Dee! I am in the same mindset as you right now. For some reason I can't say no to crap food. The thing is I know I can do it and I know you can do it too. It is definetly all in the head. Don't give up. Get up tommorrow with a great attitude and remember why you want to lose it.


Deb Williams said...

have you tryed to give yourself a better yummy alternatives so that you still can have a treat yet stay on that all so elusive wagon? I know that skinny cow ice cream sandwiches are yummy and not to many points... I know that feeling like you are depriving yourself makes dieting so hard...

My sister jennie just did more exercise and didnt changer her diet and she lost lots of weight...but her ksy was making sure that her exercise was never the same in a row so that her body didnt get use to anything! I worked great.