Monday, August 11, 2008

Yay I did it!!

It has been a week since I started my weight loss. I accomplished two goals last week, first one was no french fries and no soda. yay ( I still crave soda though) and the second is that I lost 4lbs as of this morning yay! Now my new goals for this week are to get down to 179 and to add more exercise.
For food last week I just ate Special k red berries. I tried some smart ones frozen lunches and I just ate what my family did for dinner just smaller portion. I used the smaller plates and that helped. I also used South Beach Bars for the protein and the sugar cravings. Oh and Gum. I am the type of person who has to have something sweet after I eat so this has help me.


Deb Williams said...

Dang Shan you are an insperation! think I might try what you are doing! I dont have a scale here I need to get mine abck from Jen and see if I ave made a dent since I started working out.

my--four--sons said...

Good job Shan!

Sara said...

4 lbs!!! That is fantastic. Woo hoo!
Thanks for sharing your tips. I think I will try the gum. I also want something sweet after a meal. Another tip that works for me is brushing my teeth after a meal. For some reason, having a different taste in my mouth after I eat curbs the sweet craving a little.
Give this gal a gold star sticker for getting rid of 4 lbs. That is just fantastic!!