Wednesday, August 6, 2008

No more excuses!

Okay I got some great news today that I am going to mexico in November for a week so you know what that means. I have 3 months to work my hiney off so I can feel comfy in a bathing suit. I think I might do better if I have something to look forward to. I also think 3 months is a good amount of time to lose what I want. I know I still won't be the skinniest on the block by then but I still would feel better. Wouldn't it be great if I could go and just relax and not care what people think of me. So my goal is 2-3 pounds a week for the first month. Then we will see what happens next month. Please, please, please help keep me encouraged and motivated. My health is back in the crap zone too. So I would like to get that under control again. You all are giving me such inspiration. Thanks!!!


Shanda said...

Im jealous. I know you can lose the weight you already know you can. Go for it!

Deb Williams said...

I think that you do really well when you have a goal...remeber to beat yourself up for slips and to keep on can do this you know you can! YOU ARE A ROCK STAR!!!!

Sara said...

I kow you will be a ONE HOT MAMA on the beach. You can do it! When you are working out these next few months think of how great you will feel strutting your stuff on the shores of Mexico.
A friend once told me that "Nothing tastes as good as neing skinny feels." I am starting to use this one when I notice I am mindlessly eating. Hope it works for you too.