Sunday, August 31, 2008


I haven't been on this blog for a while and thought that I needed to come on and read the post that have been published and to see how everybody is doing. I know how you all feel when you say that you crave chocolate and cheese burgers and that you are to the point when there are no changes in your weight loss.

I know that six months ago that I had a Gastric bypass and that the weight has come off really fast for me; but I am getting to the point when I think that my weight loss is going to start slowing and down and changing. I've lost one hundred and thirty four pounds and I have ninety four pounds more too loose to hit my goal.

The surgeons say that in every ones weight loss they hit a point when there body is comfortable where it is and it naturally slows it's self down. I've also been told that you will seventy five percent of the weight and they your body slows down.

I know that it is really frustrating but it happens to all of us. Right now I have only two weeks of the month that I loose weight. Two weeks ago I gained six pounds (i started my period its wonderful to be a girl) this past week I lost the six pounds that I gained; that leaves me two weeks to loose weight before I start the whole process all over again.

I am grateful that I have lost the weight that I have; and that I have wonderful friends and family to help me through the precess, and I hope that in return that there is something that I can do to help all of you. Good luck this week on what ever it is that you are working on and I wish you all success.


Deb Williams said...

I would love to loose at the rate you are...i am frustrated at the moment...I would have to be prpaired to work as hard as you had to work to get where you are..Honestly I am not sure that I can do it! Or I am not sure I am ready to give up so much! you had a hard road in front of you and you are doing GREAT! dont let those 2 weeks bugg least they leave you platued where you know you stay even when they are over!

Keep up allthe good work!

Sara said...

I admire you choice to have gastric bypass to help you get healthy. It was a true sacrifice. Don't let the plateau scare you. Power through it!