Wednesday, October 1, 2008

On the go again....

That is it! I have to loose weight! If I want more kids. That is IT! I have to get a goal or something down. Something to work towards. I don't think I am done. I don't want to be done either. I want 1 more. In the shape I am in I cannot have a child. I am not healthy! I need to do this.

I am missing out on comments and talking on here. I still check every day to see how every one is doing. So please lets not quit!!! I need all of your ups and downs to keep me going. AND YES downs help me to. I need to know that I am not the lone Fat lady struggling in the world! So COME ON CAMPERS LETS BUCK UP!!!

I have been better with my sugar intake. we are eating far less at my house. I feel the energy levels rising more and more each day. I cant say that I notice weight loss but I am going to focus on the feeling better part! So Here is to getting back on the Wagon...Please join me!


my--four--sons said...

I need the comments too. I have been struggling with my exercise. I think I am okay in the eating dept but I need to get motivated in the exercise dept.

Glad to hear you are all on the mend.

Keep up the great work. Even if you aren't exercising at least you are eating better. Eating better will still make you healthier. It can lower cholesterol and if you have any blood pressure issues than it can help that too.

Deb Williams said...

Funny enough I have great cholesteral and great blood pressure!!! LOL the DR.'s always tell me I am healthy except for the FAT part!!! They like to run millins of tests when I go in for physicals. They always come out GOOD. so the fat is BAD!

Shanda said...

Good news Im still down 2lbs from my first blog.I must be doing something right by maintaining. Ive actually have maintain this weight for 5 years give or take a few pounds. So its nice Im not going up and up.
Exercise is what I need. Ive never been good at it.

Deb Williams said...

LOL I am not sure i would say taht I am good at exercise either but I have got to get it going again!!!

Sara said...

OK, here is what I want you to do. Pick a time of day that you are going to exercise. It has to be a time when Josh is home for this to work. When the clock strikes what golden hour, everything drops, and you get to exercise... GET TO.. is the key. No distractions. Make that hour the priorty. No exceptions... unless there is a real crisis, but it needs to be that crazy in order to take over your exercise time.
Try it for 2 weeks. And see how it works. I had to do that with Chris to get me out the door with no excuses. AFter we moved, I need to get back into that routine. I NEED IT!