Monday, June 30, 2008

Check in

OK as for my goal.
I got a routine down that I want to do and I got a schedule worked out.

Even down to what I want to get done in the house and times to get up.

I am going to make my goal to keep track of what I eat...Again

I also need to start my routine and get a steady routine down!

so next week I should be able to tell you how long I am able to work out before dying!

I also have a goal to get my self looking decent. I have put myself on the back burner since I was pregnant with Ella. I have decided for me to feel better about myself I want to start wearing make up again. I know I feel better looking when I do and I think that I need to build my self esteem

I have already noticed that when I am not on my period I don't eat! It is almost 3 here and I have had some dried apples about an hour ago...that is it! I really need to work on eating breakfast and have snacks of protein in the middle. I am so screwed up! I going to have to put more focus on me!

I also notice that I head straight for the computer in the morning too! That is about to stop! I get wrapped up in the millions of things to do on there. I then don't eat anything, get any exercise or get things done. I have started giving me computer time! Now my focus is to get everything done at my house IN THE MORNING and then I can have afternoon to get errands and kid things down. I have to give me computer time for Avon. But I don't need to be on here much more then that and Bills!

So there you have it. It may take me a bit to get this routine down but I am determined to get it done. That way I can make appointments and such according to my routine!

So tell me what you think!


my--four--sons said...

I didn't do as good as I hoped for last week but I did do workouts. As long as I am doing something I figure its better than nothing!

Dee said...

A routine is the way to go! I say do your best but don't make it so strict that you set yourself up for failure. Disect it and start a new piece of the routine a little at at time. Good luck! We're here to encourage you!

Deb Williams said...

good idea deee thanks It can seem over whelming at times...I needed that bit of advise today!