Monday, June 23, 2008

Crashing the Party

Thank you for letting me crash the party! I've got to get some weight off and maybe by joining your blog, and making my struggles public, I'll get my act together.

So, yesterday was my 37th birthday. Happy Birthday to me! And this year I've decided to give myself health. I want to be healthy. I want to be active. I want to be slim (not skinny) healthy slim. I want to live to see my little girl grow up. I want to board an airplane without cringing. I want to bend over without struggle. I WANT SMALLER BOOBS!

I went back to Wei.ght Wat.chers on Saturday. I had been going during March and April and lost 20 lbs of which I gained almost 10 back during May and June. Not good. But, at least I'm still down 10.

So today I embark on my health quest and I'm making changes a little at a time. I can't do it all, and when I try to I always fail. This week, I'm focusing on nutrition. Counting my points, making healthy decisions, drinking my water. Next week, I'll add exercise back in.

Good luck to everyone this week!


Deb Williams said...

Happy Bithday by the way...I tthink that is a good Idea. Iam going to start writing down what I eat...sence I aom not going to wei.ght wat.chers I am going to see what I am eating with out thinking about it. may be i will put some perspective on my eating habits! and I do drink water but I think iti s time to pump it up!

my--four--sons said...

I did so much better when I was writing my calories down. It was a real eye opener for me. Dee I am glad you joined our group. I hope we can help you out. Loosing weight sucks but I think with support it makes it so much easier.