Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I really need to figure out how to get exercise in... any one got some Ideas of what I can do at home with no exercise machine. It needs to be at home due to the fact the my little ones are NOT workable when it comes to going out side...they both go in different directions!
Any ideas are welcome!!


my--four--sons said...

If you have cable you might want to check out the exercise on demand. If you don't I'm not sure what to suggest because I have had the same issues and never found a solution. Maybe you could get some workout videos at the store and try them out at home.

Most of all I think it is all mental when it comes to the exercise. Try not to make any excuses. Good luck and let us know what you figure out.


Ronda Gardner said...

Have you thought of an exercise ball? Or maybe a palates video? I am not sure how to tell you to do it with little ones, if you join a gym they have day care that you can use. I will look around and see what I can find.

Love ya!

Sara said...

So I have to exercise before the kids get up in the morning (alarm goes off at 5:30) or after they go down for bed (get to the gym by 9)
If I don't go those times I never have a chance during the day.
I do have a "Bollywood" dance exercise video which is totally fun to do and the kids will dance with me for awhile. hah hah