Thursday, June 26, 2008

Checking In Mid Week

It's Thursday. So far this week, M-W, I've done great. I've stayed within my points range and followed the good health guidelines EXCEPT I haven't taken a multi-vitamin everyday. I've got to get better at that. So good job for me! (high five, pat my own back)

NOW I'm faced with a challenge. Tonight is the summer BBQ for Shelly's main client. We are going and taking the princess to show her off. Of course there will be lots of yummy and fattening foods there. It's a pot luck BBQ, so besides the standard hot dogs and hamburgers, there will be all different kinds of salads and desserts. HELP! What do I do? Do I say to heck with it and eat whatever I want? Do I allow myself little tastes of yummy things? Or do I hold steady and only eat what I can count points for? I'm leaning towards option 2. Tasting a few things but not over doing it. BUT, we're taking mini eclairs. How can I not have a mini eclair? Wait, it's just food, I'll live if I don't eat the mini eclair. Help! I need a giant dose of will power!


my--four--sons said...

I say stay strong and only eat the points allowed. Don't allow yourself to talk you into eating more that you need. This is my problem. I was doing so good with my calories and as soon as I let myself slip that was it for me. I lost my strength to not eat the crap. I am doing better now but this last month has not been good. Stay strong!! Just remember the main reason you are doing this. For that cute little girl of yours.

Dee said...

Mel, you rock! Thank you! I'm feeling a little more willfull now. And, I just remembered something the WW leader said. Does it (mini eclairs) taste as good as skinny feels? No!

Deb Williams said...

sorry I didnt get here soon....I was at the dentist...You are right nothing feels as good as being skinny...that is a ggod sayying I love it I think I will post that on my fridge!