Friday, June 27, 2008


OK so I have really paying attention and thinking about what I put in my mouth. I haven't stopped myself because I wanted to get a realistic view of what I eat in a week. I picked the worst week to do it because I am on my period and it is the only time I crave chocolate. I have no Idea why I just do! So needless to say this week has been a horrible reality check on the whole intake thing. I have been working on my other goals too. I think after my period and will keep track of what I am eating to see if it is any different! If not I have been fooling myself about not eating a lot of sugar and I will need that reality check!


my--four--sons said...

I always do horrible on my period week. Just be patient. When I started writing down my intake I was in shock. I really was kidding myself. Just think of this as a learning experience. When you get your period next month remember how this month treated you and plan ahead. Get some 100 calorie packs. Get something with chocolate and then really use your will power to not over do it.

Dee said...

I agree with the 100 calorie packs. I have a ton in my cupboard. Also try the Fiber One bars. The are SOOOOO good, only 2 points per bar! They really help with the sweet tooth. You know what else does it for me. Fresh fruit. I lazy and just by the big bowls of the pre-cut fruit that has different melons, grapes, strawberries, pineapple. Only 1 pt per cup! And soooo yummy. And, if it makes you feel any better I've sabotaged my week.:( It's okay. I'm starting again Monday (famous last words!)

Ronda Gardner said...

I don't have a lot of advice about the sugar craving thing, because I don't care sugar any more and I cant even handle sugar any more. I know that if my body is telling me that it needs something that I eat a "Pure Protein" bar; they are really good! They have 2 grams of sugar and 20 grams of protein, I really like them and they really help me. You should try them, the protein also helps you not be as hungry! Good luck Debbie it is hard being a women and having a period, I used to crave chocolate bad too when I was on my period. That and Dr. Pepper!

Deb Williams said...

thanks guys...I have got to do this!