Monday, June 23, 2008

I propose a goal day!

Dee got me thinking. I think we should have a goal day (for those of us who want). I think that we accomplish more if we set goals. I see that dee is working on her points. I think it would be a good thing for me to vocal ( type) my goals out and then I can report back...feel accountable for the stuff I throw out there. so Monday is going to be the day for me. I will set a goal and then report on the goal the following monday. Mind you this is for me. ANYONE else wanting to do it is more than welcome.

I have loved the tips that Ronda and Mel have been putting on here and I have been trying to insert things into my life. I am super glad that Dee Joined the grioup it is nice to have a new friend, cheerleader and support!

Thanks everyone for being so cool and keeping up this blog. please feel free to comment and if you would llike to join just let me know.

So the goals are: To set up a routin, keep track of my food intake and set a time to exercise!


Dee said...

I'm so with you on Monday's being our goal day! Every Monday I'm going to also post how I did the previous week. I weigh in on Saturdays at WW so I'll include that on my Monday posts as well.

We could also do other fun things to get us active and focused. Maybe we could have Tasty Tuesdays where we share a new or easy recipe that we've recently tried/made. Put your thinking cap on to think what other "day" themes we could come up with.

So I'm thinking of something catchy for Monday's. I looked goal up in my thesarus. Another word for goal is mark or mean. We could have "Mark it down Mondays" or "Mean it Mondays". I don't know. Just thinking...

my--four--sons said...

I think these sound like great ideas. Monday is a great day for me too. This week I would like to focus on working out more.

I am going to Vernal in 5 weeks and I would like to loose at least 10 pounds by then. We are staying somewhere that has a pool and I would like to get in it. That is if I dare get in a swimsuit.

Deb Williams said...

cool I am focusing more on my goals now that I put them down here...I am getting excited!

Ronda Gardner said...

I know that they taught me before I had my surgery that there is nothing more important than setting gaols. They told me to sit down and write out everything that I want to accompish from my surgery and watch how wonderful it is when you've checked everything off of your list. I agree it will really help, Debbie remember that every day and every step that you take is one step closer to getting you to your ultimate goal, to be skinny. I think that you guys are great and I know that if it weren't for you and Mel things would be a lot harder for me.
Love ya