Thursday, April 17, 2008

Just a Little Advice...

Let me give some advice, these are some things that I have learned since I had my Gastric Bypass. Proteins are very important you should concentrate on getting more proteins than carbohydrates. You don't want greasy fatty fried foods either, they are not good for you. I know that I was told that when I sit down to a meal to have a serving of proteins and a serving of vegetables, but if I can't eat much to eat the proteins and ignore the veggies. You want to eat your proteins not drink them because food sits in your stomach longer than protein drinks do and they will make it so you aren't as hungry.

Almonds are also good for filling a stomach that needs a little more between meals. I would use raw Almonds for snacks before I had surgery; I would chew on a small hand full between eight thirty in the morning and eleven to keep my stomach from growling, the when it came to eating lunch I wasn't as hungry and didn't need to eat as much. It works and it a really good snack; it will also control blood sugar levels. You can also eat roasted almonds; and Blue Diamond sells Salt and Vinegar Almonds and they are really yummy I love them.

Water and staying hydrated is very important! You want to drink things that are low in sugar and try to avoid carbonated drinks. Not that they are bad for you carbonation DOES NOT stretch your stomach like people say that it does. Well if you like Diet Sodas you can drink those; I was told to drink Crystal Light, Propel and stuff like that. Oh I have tried the new Gatorade G2 and it is really good, it has half the sugar and half the calories.

The last piece of advise I have is to exercise, exercise, exercise I have learned that it is so important. I know that since I joined Golds Gym and have started working out I feel so much better. I have more energy and it helps with the weight loss, which I am sure all of you know this. Water aerobics are a great for of exercise they kick your trash and the next day you are very soar.

I hope that the information I shared with every one will help you, I know that cutting my carbs and watching my proteins helped me loose forty two pounds before I had surgery. I always thought that diet wasn't good but after following the diet my self it works really good.

Good Luck to every one trying too loose weight!
Ronda Gardner


Deb Williams said...

cool tips it is always noce to have helps when you are feelingin a slump to have hints and tips to get you on the right track again! thanks for jpining the site...I am not trying to take you away from yours just this it like the pep talk site and your is personal... I would love for you to post as much as you like! and thanks for all the awesome advice I didnt know that about almonds!

Deb Williams said...

ok so I bought some almonds today to have as a snack and do what you suggested..thanks for the tip!