Monday, May 26, 2008


I need some encouragement! I am stayin strong on my weight loss but I haven't been continuing to lose. I am having a hard time getting back on the wagon per say. I have worked out enough to stay even but I can't get back in the grove to lose more. I have alot more to lose to put me in a healthy range. I need some help!
I know some of you think I might be vein but I want to be healthy not skinny! I am looking at the big picture here. I want to be in the healthy picture here. So far my blood work says I am not as healthy as I could be. So I am hoping this blog might be what I need to get me there.
I talked to my doc last week and he says I am doing good. But He wants me to do better so I am trying to do better.
I would love to be a super skinny model but I am human and I know it is not going to happen but I would love if I can keep myself alive as long as I can so I can experience life to the fullest.
I guess what I am trying to say is I need some support right now.

1 comment:

Deb Williams said...

I havent done to much myself...I have yet to find a way that i can work out with the little ones! I have been so impressed with you and your get up and go! I think it may be time to cunfuse your body and switch up your exercise. I think you are amazing don't give up it will start moving again!