Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I am back on the wagon!

I think every one has given up on this blog. I think that may be OK...cuz I am going to ramble for a moment.
I have been having an internal battle over how go about this weight loss thing. I am morbidly obese...it doesn't take much to get there...but it take major dedication to leave it behind you. I for one have to take the reigns now or I will be come to far gone to help. I am afraid that I can become one of the people you have to cut out of their house to save...because if you don't do anything before you will find yourself at that point.

I for a long time have found that I don't know how to "diet". I mean we are all different and no one body is effected the same as another. Is high protein and low carbs the way to go? Or is the the low fat they way? Who knows!!! The stumbling and falling down or the not progressing is the biggest stumble and the hardest to recover from and ultimately can be the demise of your continued progress on the up hill battle.

I realize that sugar needs to be cut out.... easier said than done...who knew you could find yours self addicted to sugar....yes addicted your body craves it and it is a hard thing to fight! I mean lets kick you while you are down on that one...I know it is not an easy thing. I mean sure if it was no one would be Fat.

So where do I begin...
I started by riding my generously donated stationary bike ( thanks mom and dad) and my big fat belly got in the way in fact it weighed my legs down so much that I could only get through 5 Mins of riding before my legs were fatigued from he workout! something I wouldn't normally admit but hey...that is What this blog is for and this is my reality.

So I went off exercising for a few weeks and finally while sifting through the TV I saw the Fit station...I figured I would record a few of the shows and try them. I have to admit I was a little worried going in that I would make the 5 min thing and that I would have to slowly build up endurance. I started the show and made it through 20 mins the first day. I was happy that I could even get that far for weighing.....are you ready for this....yes I am going to tell you...but please don't Tell me how long your jaw was dropped for! I weight 380! yes the most evil sounding Phraze that I ever utter is that.....my weight! I have to keep up with this.

So let me tell you. I could not exactly follow the program I picked I had to modify it for my size! I cannot get on the floor and do push ups so I would do them against the wall. It is still a major ab and back and arm work out...I am pleased because my tummy isn't in the way all the time! I am happy that I have more stamina than I thought I would too!

I have had several reasons for the need to loose the weight. Playing with my kids and keeping up with them is high on the list...but being around is the biggest.

I have gained 100 lbs since I got pregnant with Ella. I was not small when I did get pregnant but I was very active and never stopped. I was muscular for a fat girl and so I was able to heft the weight around OK then. but the last 4 yrs of not so much activity has made me weak again and I have to show my body how to gain all the muscle back!

So here is to day 2....and to many, many more days of person triumph!

Now it is time to get from here to there...


my--four--sons said...

I am routin for ya! I also can empathise with you. I have gained back all but 2 pounds of the weight I lost last year. I haven't gotten on a scale in 3 months and when I went to the doc last week I was devastated. Just today I started a new diet. This time it is not only for weight loss but for my health. I am doing a raw diet and I am going to give it an honest try for a month and see what happens. I wished you lived closer so we could exercise togethter.

Now that you are using this site again I will start to use it again too.

Deb Williams said...

OK great please leave recipes of what you are eating!