Monday, February 9, 2009

I have a GOAL!!

So my goal is to loose between 50 and 90 LBS by September. I plan to walk and work out at I am going to need support from you all! The reason I am trying to loose it all is because I want to try and have one last baby before I am over 35. That is just a personal goal age!

I have to get down so...
#1 I need to be healthy
#2 if i loose weight I may not have a clotting issue
#3 I will have more energy when i am pregnant
#4 I need to be more comfortable in my own skin!
#5 if I am exercising now i should be able to keep it up after I get pregnant.
#6 I need to loose weight to have more energy with my kids now while they are young!

So Any support will be Appreciated!!!

I miss you guys out there...How all are you of you doing????


Sara said...

Those are all fantastic reasons to get healthy and to get hot!
You make adorable babies, the world might just need another blonde blue eyed bomb shell!!

my--four--sons said...

You have my support! Sorry I have neem MIA on this blog for awhile. I am doing crappy with my weight and I can't seem to get motivated. Hopefully you all can get me motivated again.