Monday, September 22, 2008

Why is it so flipin hard?

I wish losing weight was as easy as breathing. I know I'm a skinny person trapped in a few layers of fat. I need to like healthy food. Eclairs are just to good to pass up at a baby shower. Steak dinner with a baked potato and a onion bloom is OK to eat for your anniversary right? Cinnamon toast for breakfast cause I need to grocery shopping. Do I sound like anybody else or am I just a big loser that cant get it together. I want to lose weight I just need something to change and I know its something that I have to find in ME to do it well. So needless to say I haven't been doing well with the whole losing of weight thing.
I am going back to work in a salon. I will work evenings and Saturdays. I hope this will get my energy level up some by keeping my house together and working part-time. I'm sad I have to go back to work after being a SAHM for 4 1/2 years but I think the economy is hurting us and everybody badly right now. That's whats up with me.


Deb Williams said...

I hear ya shan!
I feel the same way some times. however i dont think splurging for anniversarys or things liek that is bad. To be honest if you get the filet as your cut of steak it is actually super lean! I think that if you have to eat things that you are stay ing away from because thatis it use moderation. I think eating some thing is definantly better than eating nothing...thatis my biggest fault I put off eating so my body is always in starvation mode! So I gain and gain. No matter what I do I have to train myself to eat healthy and EAT! I say just dont give up keep going!

Sara said...

Since I know I can not decline dessert at parties, I take a piece of cake, brownie, ice cream, whatever...and take a big bite. I enjoy it. Then I toss the rest away. It just the taste of it that I want. And sometimes ( hah hah) that one bite is all I need to not feel deprived. Try that a few times and see if it works for you. Same goes with french fries. Just once in the mouth. Then that is it. It can be hard, but after an hour or so, I feel so strong and in control. And I scoff at those tempting calories that almost became a "lifetime on the hips."