Monday, September 8, 2008

I hate this whole FAT thing!

so last week I did weigh myself and it said that I gained 12 pounds...I wished that I had turrets at that moment AND I FELT LIKE CUSSING!!!! I have been working out and staying busy and well, I wanted an opposite of that for results! So GRRRR that is my update...and I don't have much to add except that I have to keep going because I have felt like I can do more! I have more energy and I have been getting more done so I can't complain...I just want to loose some of the BULK! any tips for fatty fat girl!


my--four--sons said...

The only suggestion is evaluate what your eating again and when you workout make sure you are sweating. But most of all just keep going. Eventually it will start coming off and since your motivated that is a great thing.

Deb Williams said...

after weighing I wasnt so motivated! But I am desperate!

Sara said...

And to add, I think with the heat wave we just had, you might have been drinking more. For fun I drank 32 oz of water and weighed myself before and after. The difference was huge!
Stay away from sodium in this heat. That just makes you retain more water.